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[OS programmasm编译妻_2004_10_28

Description: masm为MASM类型的编译器,其中:masm.exe为编译器,link.exe为连接器-can for Multiple types of compiler, which : masm.exe for the compiler, linker for link.exe
Platform: | Size: 1307730 | Author: 李雷 | Hits:

[GUI Developmasm相关应用

Description: MASM的实用软件,里面包含部分例子,对实用MASM汇编语言的朋友一定有帮助。-Shape of usable software, which contains some examples. for practical MASM Assembler friends will certainly be helpful.
Platform: | Size: 201636 | Author: 小张 | Hits:

[assembly languageCOUNT

Description: 这是用Masm for windows编写的一个实现计算器+ - * /功能的程序,也是我们当时汇编的大作之一。
Platform: | Size: 2445 | Author: xj | Hits:

[assembly languagehuibian

Description: Masm for Windows集成实验环境特点 汇编语言学习
Platform: | Size: 2460894 | Author: plmoknplm | Hits:

[assembly languagemasm 实现的简单的学生档案管理

Description: 用汇编语言实现的一个简单的学生档案的管理系统,式界面操作的,通过鼠标的山下左右键来选择相应的菜单了执行操作。-assembly language of a simple student records management system interfaces to operate, through the mountains around the mouse button to select the menu for the corresponding execution.
Platform: | Size: 17797 | Author: 赵宝 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个有关于汇编语言程序设计的学心电子书,如果有喜欢学习MASM语言的人,这是一个好的学习资料。-It is a compilation of the program design language of learning e-books, If there is like learning bits of language, and this is a good learning materials.
Platform: | Size: 841728 | Author: 曾志香 | Hits:

[Education soft systemstudents scores system

Description: 这是一个学生成绩管理系统,其中“I”表示插入,“L”表示浏览,“Q”表示查询, “E”表示退出,“D”表示删除,“M”表示修改,"c"表示统计各分数段人数,"p"表示打印. 本程序实现了: (1)单独运行以上各功能,即在进入主菜单以后,点一功能键后关闭,再进入主菜单 点别的功能键。如运行"cjgl"文件后,在出现的主界面中点“I”,可插入数据,插入完 以后,关闭;在出现的主界面中点“M”,可修改数据,修改完以后关闭,用同样的方法 可运行其它的功能。 (2)连续运行部分的功能。 应将文件"score.txt"放在相应的路径下.如在本程序中,需将该文件放在"c:\masm\score.txt"下. 注:该文件的路径可从汇编源文件的"fname db "c:\masm\score.txt"""中查找.-This is a performance management system for students, "I" to insert said, "L" said View, "Q" said inquiries, "E" from "D" to delete said, "M" said the amendments, "c", said Statistics the fraction of the number of "p" said Print. this procedure was realized : (a) separate operations over the function, which is to enter the main menu after a point after the closure of function keys, and entered the main menu point other function keys. To run "cjgl documents" in the main interface midpoint "I" can be inserted in the data, insert, after closing; At the midpoint of the main interface, "M", may revise the data, modify, after the closure, the same method can run other functions. (2) of c
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 金峰 | Hits:

[assembly languagemasm 实现的简单的学生档案管理

Description: 用汇编语言实现的一个简单的学生档案的管理系统,式界面操作的,通过鼠标的山下左右键来选择相应的菜单了执行操作。-assembly language of a simple student records management system interfaces to operate, through the mountains around the mouse button to select the menu for the corresponding execution.
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 赵宝 | Hits:

[OS programmasm编译妻_2004_10_28

Description: masm为MASM类型的编译器,其中:masm.exe为编译器,link.exe为连接器-can for Multiple types of compiler, which : masm.exe for the compiler, linker for link.exe
Platform: | Size: 1307648 | Author: 李雷 | Hits:

[GUI Developmasm相关应用

Description: MASM的实用软件,里面包含部分例子,对实用MASM汇编语言的朋友一定有帮助。-Shape of usable software, which contains some examples. for practical MASM Assembler friends will certainly be helpful.
Platform: | Size: 201728 | Author: 小张 | Hits:

[assembly languageCOUNT

Description: 这是用Masm for windows编写的一个实现计算器+ - * /功能的程序,也是我们当时汇编的大作之一。-This is Masm for windows prepared using a calculator realize+-*/Function of the procedure, but also we had to compile one of the masterpiece.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: xj | Hits:

[assembly languagemasm

Description: masm编程,用于DOS环境下的编程与例题 -MASM programming environment for DOS Programming and Example
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: 谢毅 | Hits:

[assembly languageMASM

Description: 这是汇编基本的程序主要是熟悉汇编的语法,用于熟悉调试环境 希望大家多多练习 -This is a compilation of the basic process is essentially a compilation of familiar syntax, familiar debugging environment for hope that a lot of practice
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: liuqiaoling | Hits:

[Software Engineeringmasm

Description: mas for 8086 microprocessor
Platform: | Size: 3863552 | Author: vishwanath | Hits:

[assembly languagecoloursquare

Description: 在win32下,用汇编语言编写彩色的正方形,在masm for windows 下编译通过-In win32, the language used to compile the square of color, in masm for windows under the compiler through
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: wo | Hits:


Description: Masm for windows 2010版 集成实验环境一个简单易用的汇编语言学习与实验软件,支持最新操作系统WINDOWS 7,支持DOS的16/32位汇编程序和Windows下的32汇编程序-Masm for windows Version 2010 is a very easy to use softfare. And it is compatiable for the newest system:Win 7
Platform: | Size: 16579584 | Author: zhangjun | Hits:


Description: 对云计算的认识,这事关于云存储和云安全的文章,有需要的请下载。-For computing clouds of understanding, this thing about cloud storage and cloud safety articles, has the need to invite download.
Platform: | Size: 692224 | Author: 唐红 | Hits:

[Hook apiHook-API-OpenProcess-[MASM]

Description: Code simple example hook for API openprocess in Usermode , compile with MASM
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: MUTANT | Hits:


Description: masm windows环境下的VB语言编译器,2011版。-masm for windows 2011 FOR VB.
Platform: | Size: 16169984 | Author: 温芷 | Hits:

[assembly languagedos汇编工具包(edit+masm+link+lib+debug)

Description: dos工具包 含有lib可创建子程序库,masm和debug调试(DOS toolkit for debug programming)
Platform: | Size: 1271808 | Author: YuChen58 | Hits:
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